Sunday, February 28, 2010

Planned Parenthood V. NRLC

Planned Parenthood:
The Planned Parenthood Foundation of America (PPFA) is an influential liberal interest group. This group is affiliated with many other persuasive groups, such as the International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) and the activist group, Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPAF). The PPAF is responsible for lobbying pro-choice legislation and also affordable health care.

Planned Parenthood is in support of the court decision of Roe v. Wade. This court case determined that a woman may receive an abortion up to the point at which the fetus is viable. Viability is defined as the point in which the fetus can survive outside of the womb without artificial aid. The point of viability is usually declared around 7 months. This is also known as the third trimester. The PPFA believes that the government should not get involved with this decision, and they believe that it is the woman's right to privacy and that the issue should remain between her, her family and the physician.

Though the PPFA is pro-choice, they say that what they support most is prevention. The PPFA holds seminars on safe sex and host clinics in which they give out free advice and free condoms. Often they assist young women with health care and affording birth control. The PPFA is one of the largest branches of the IPPF.

The PPAF is the legislative and lobbying section of the PPFA. The PPAF fights for health care reform and convincing politicians to support pro-choice legislation. They are also in charge of fundraising and collecting money to support the organization. The Planned Parenthood Action Fund PAC (Political Action Committee) is a non-partisan committee with the goal of supporting getting pro-choice, "pro-family" candidates into political office. They use the money they collect and their fairly large membership to back these candidates. The members and supporters of this comittee are pushing for President Obama's Health Care bill because it will aid in the funding for women to receive abortions. The supporters of the PPFA are largely liberal, with some conservatives, mainly women, especially rape victims.


The NRLC is an organization that works to give rights to life for babies in the womb. Their belief is "to stop abortions and rationing in healthcare." Twenty two days after conception, the baby has a heart beat. People that are a part of the NRLC and are pro-life, adamently believe that no baby should ever be killed or aborted after it has been conceived.

The NRLC works hard to convey their message not only to the public, but also to political leaders, those in congress and the house of representatives. Pastors, and many people that attend church are big supporters of the NRLC and are pro-life. The NRLC have created guidelines for churches and pastors that want to be involved in political activity for pro-life. The NRLC use the requirements from the federal election campaign act to create their guidelines. In an effort to spread the word that pro-life is important and is the correct moral choice, they hold conventions. This is also one way that the organization makes money for lobbying, campaigning, and promoting their cause. The conventions are usually held at hotels and last about three days. People pay to listen to many different people explain the importance of pro-life and hear the facts.

Lobbying is also an important part of the organization getting their ideas heard and making an impact on legislation. One example is the letter the NRLC wrote to the U.S senate offices asking them to support the Bennett ammendment. This ammendment became a big issue for the pro-life supporters. The ammendment was to regulate and put restrictions on grassroot lobbyists. The NRLC said "ordinary citizens have no need to be protected from grassroot lobbyists." ACLU is a big supporter of the NRLC, they together and other grassroot lobbyists fought against silencing other grassroot organizations. In the end the NRLC won, the senate vote was 55-43 to not regulate grassroot organizations.
The pro-life organization also tries to include the public to help lobby. On their website,, they ask people to contact the offices of their local representative to lobby their cause. They also post polls, then take the results that favor pro-life and show senators.

NRLC has a lot of supporters for pro-life. Many christians are pro-life, therefore pastors are big supporters. Most republicans are pro-life, yet some democrats are as well. Some political supporters include Sargent Shriver, a political activist during Lyndon Johnson's time in office. Some more are Tom Dashie, Bob Corker, Steve Cohen and the former presidential candidate John Mcain and his running mate Sarah Palin.

There is also a PAC for pro-life supporters. The website offers information about abortion, and the importance of eliminating abortion. It also gives links to other sites that are helpful.
The life and liberty PAC is dedicated to pro-life. They support candidates for office that are pro-life, changing laws to reflect the pro-life policies.

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